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Donated 30000 yuan for three impoverished village in Xingguo County
发布时间:2014-07-23 16:30:33


  “"The three agriculture Minyou, helping the poor and needy see the truth", July 22nd, Xingguo County Township, general manager of Ganzhou Hong Hao network company Wu Xiaolin from the local relevant responsible person who took the witness the truth of the plaque.”



      Awarded the plaque


  The city is located in the northern part of the township, township in Xingguo County, an area of 144 square kilometers, administer 19 administrative village, about 5700 farmers in the agricultural population of 22000 people. Inconvenience to traffic, capacity of Cheng Gang Xiang collective economy is weak, less economic source, has been one of the most economically developed towns in Xingguo County. In order to help Cheng Gang Xiang early poverty, Ganzhou red ho network company in June to the Xiang Xiao Huo Cun, long bao Cun Xi Cun and increase the donation of 10000 yuan (30000 yuan).


